
Empowering Leaders

Empowering leadership brings out the best in other people in the organization. Inspired leaders exhibit high morals and are respected by their teams.

Encouraging effective leadership includes trusting them, allowing them to make significant decisions, and helping them grow by exploring their strengths and overcoming challenges

Inspire Leaders

Management effectiveness is at the core of organizational performance. The best managers innovate, revolutionize and inspire. But it’s not always easy, and not all managers are equipped with the tools they need to make this possible.

STEP #1 - Align

Build alignment around a core vision with a plan that produces desired outcomes

STEP #2 - Explore

Explore in detail how to use personal strengths and overcome challenges to improve their leadership effectiveness

STEP #3 - Examine

Examine the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership to find strengths and areas needing further development

Informed Leaders. Inspired Leaders.

The empowering leadership: a female team leader discussing something with her team.

Management effectiveness is at the core of organizational performance.

The best managers innovate, revolutionize and inspire. But it’s not always easy, and not all managers are equipped with the tools they need to make this possible.

Most of us have probably had a boss, mentor, leader in our lives who helped us grow into who we are today. We can probably picture them in your mind right now. They cheered for us. They respectfully did not always agree with us, and told us why. They supported us by giving us more responsibility and most importantly, guided us along the way.

Organizations might hire people who ‘think’ they are great leaders, but in their daily actions they really don’t display the qualities effective leaders possess.

Not only are these same leaders affecting the company, in general, but they are the same leaders who oversee all of our other employees and teams who WE depend on. We depend on them to get the work done right, make sure the revenue comes in and our clients are happy.

Again, management effectiveness is at the core of organizational performance.

I help managers identify common challenges that a leader might have, such as showing them how to be more effective. I do this by providing them insight into what motivates and stresses them, as well as their employees. This in turn impacts their performance. If someone is motivated, they will work harder. If someone is stressed they become paralyzed and can’t move forward to do what the job entails.

Management effectiveness: a man speaking to his colleagues in a meeting.
Helping leaders to command more effective leadership: a woman in red dress presenting in a formal meeting.

I can help your leaders to…

  • Recognize the priorities and tendencies, based on their own style, that shape their approach to the fundamental work of leaders: creating a vision, building alignment around that vision, and championing execution of the vision
  • Explore in detail how to play to their strengths and overcome challenges to improve their leadership effectiveness
  • Identify strategies to develop preferred behaviors based on specific best practices
  • Understand how others see them as a leader and how their own self-ratings compare
  • Identify the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership-and the three behavioral practices underlying each approach-are their strengths and which ones would benefit from further development
  • Learn three personalized strategies for becoming a more effective leader based on specific feedback

I will give actionable activities that create effectiveness for everyone. You, as managers or owners, can provide the support your team needs to grow, in turn, helping your leaders, employees and entire company grow. Let me help those who lead your company become stronger and more effective.

This can be so powerful for your managers and entire organization!

Let’s drown ineffective management; letting go and squashing the need for micromanaging, and bring your business to life with leaders who have the best interest of the company and their staff in mind. 

Empowering leadership in an organization: a team meeting where a man speaks in front of his colleagues.

Process for Empowering Inspired Leaders

I offer many ways to inspire leaders; through a more personal journey or a collaborative journey with a 360° view with feedback from various members of the company!

If you are looking for a more personal journey, I can lay out a clear path for helping leaders at all levels make the connection between their DiSC® style and leadership. Bringing together best practices from 300 experts in over 150 organizations, the important work of the most prominent scholars, and over four years of additional research and development, this all-inclusive classroom and online program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship. With one unified model of leadership —Vision, Alignment and Execution—it focuses on helping leaders understand their own leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

Participants Take-Aways

  • Recognize the priorities and tendencies, based on their own DiSC style, that shape their approach to the fundamental work of leaders: creating a vision, building alignment around that vision, and championing execution of the vision
  • Explore in detail how to play to their strengths and overcome challenges to improve their leadership effectiveness
  • Identify strategies to develop preferred behaviors based on context-specific best practices

The 360 Degree Feedback Tool

If you are looking for a more collaborative journey, I offer a dynamic 360° feedback tool, which gets input from those you lead, your cohorts and your managers. This program gives leaders THREE personalized strategies to put into action immediately!

Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership

The richness of Everything DiSC® comes together with the research-based ‘Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership’ framework to help any leader—emerging high-potentials and experienced executives alike—incorporate critical feedback from direct reports, peers, and bosses into a development plan to increase their effectiveness in a leadership role.

Participant Take-Aways

  • Recognize the tendencies that shape their approach to leadership, based on their DiSC® style
  • Understand how others see them as a leader and how their own self-ratings compare
  • Identify which of the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership—and the three behavioral Practices underlying each approach—are their strengths and which ones would benefit from further development
  • Learn three personalized strategies for becoming a more effective leader based on specific rater feedback

Benefits to your Company

  • Leaders respected by their teams who will want to do more
  • Increased productivity
  • Low turnover
  • High morale
  • Increased sales