by Carol Grubbe | Oct 17, 2022
As a manager, you play a very important role. Why? Because you have a huge impact on the well-being of your employees! You have the option to reign power over your team OR to inspire and uplift them. And one of those options is going to have a more positive impact...
by Carol Grubbe | Sep 28, 2022
A friend of mine recently sent me an article from CNBC with a note that said, “Our country needs you!” The article? Job unhappiness is at a staggering all-time high, according to Gallup. I read about and hear from so many people feeling unsatisfied, disengaged,...
by Carol Grubbe | Jul 26, 2022
As I have been growing my own business, I do not believe that I could have done it without two things: planning and support. My successes in life, whether for my business, my garden, my relationships have often resulted because I set goals and create plans to achieve...
by Carol Grubbe | Jul 12, 2022
Wow. This is the last segment of the Understanding Your Employees Series for Managers! And let me tell you, this series of five posts is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to understanding how to effectively use Everything DiSC as a tool to lead your team. If...
by Carol Grubbe | Jul 5, 2022
Over the last few posts, I’ve been diving into four basic personalities that you’ll encounter when working with a team. When working with anyone really. It is so that you can create a productive and engaging environment that your employees enjoy being a part of....