Why is it SO hard to ask for testimonials and referrals? To flaunt what you have offer in your resume?
When I started my business, one of the hardest parts for me was to ask for testimonials. I love my work. I love helping people and organizations. But asking them to say something nice about me so I can publicize it myself made me feel a little dirty.
Yes! Even this high i-style individual.
Maybe it was my upbringing. The message to not be so much. That it is bad to ‘flaunt’ your stuff.
But then I realized quickly how much a business like mine relies on the words of others.
I mean it makes sense! I look to the words of others when searching for a doctor, an insurance agent, a restaurant. What is the first thing I do? I go to their reviews. I ask for suggestions on Facebook. Why wouldn’t I expect those who would benefit from my services to do the same?
During my time, I have had to get better at ‘flaunting’ it!
For those of you who are in the same boat, I can reassure you, it’s okay to proclaim to the world how great you are. If you want to be successful with help others, they need to know who you are and why people like working with you.
I want to know why people like working with you!
But how do you do this in a way that doesn’t feel gross?
Well, I’ve got an assignment, activity, exercise…whatever word speaks to you… for you.
I want you to ask 5 of your closest friends, colleagues and/or clients why they enjoy working with you.
I encourage you right now to put it on your list of tasks and give yourself a deadline. Choose a deadline that is realistic for you. Maybe you reach out to all five people at the same time or maybe you focus on one individual per week.
I did this when I was putting together testimonials. Honestly, it made me feel super uncomfortable at first.
But what I found was that my friends and loyal clients WANTED to tell me what they love(d) about working with me. They enjoyed sharing just as much as I enjoyed hearing/reading it.
Here are a few examples of responses I received:
- She was determined, supportive, dogged, thoughtful, strategic, driven by boundless energy that never ceased to positively impact everyone around her. Matthew
- Carol is the kind of partner we all wish we could find to represent our own company! Gene
- When you partner with Carol expect the best because she always brings her A game! Chuck
- She has a contagious spirit which inspires her peers and teams to greater success, and a wicked sense of humor to boot! While her personality can light up a room, Carol is serious about reaching goals and building successful programs for her customers. She’s the full package – passion, professionalism and persistence. Sara
- She is one of the best relationship builders I have ever seen. John
Not only did their comments boost my confidence! But they also motivated me to push through any struggles along the way because I was reminded that I have something special to offer. And what I offer changes lives in such a positive way.
When times are hard and I’m ever questioning my work, I can go to my list of testimonials to give me a boost.
So, when you are struggling in your business, in your job, in your relationships, ask those who love working with you, “Why?”
Now go find those five people. And then shoot me an email at carol@carolgrubbe.com with what they tell you so you can practice flaunting whatcha got!
Carol Grubbe LLC: Communication Made Simple
Understanding how to communicate with your employees is as simple as knowing their communication style.